Fortune 500 Rank


Commercial Banks
Company Size
10,000 – 50,000
December 1, 2020
"We believe in the idea that each employee is the CEO of their own career. They own the journey of choosing how to explore career opportunities. We also wanted to be very upfront with our teammates that in the future, there are jobs at Key that may change. For example, we may need fewer mainframe engineers or fewer people doing certain tasks in operations because those tasks may get automated. We are committed to telling people in advance which jobs we would need less of and where we might create new jobs. One of the reasons we created the Tech Ready program was to focus on populations that are underserved in technology. We knew that the national average for Black engineers was about 8 percent, and we want to get to the national average, so we launched the Tech Ready program as part of our programming to train team members looking to transition from roles in operations to technology."
Amy Brady
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