The most admired employers in the world are leveraging skills-first talent practices to unlock competitive advantage, increase productivity, and drive overall business performance. Explore the value of skills-first in their own words.

Skills-First: the emerging gold standard for finding, hiring & growing top talent

“Our company, as you know, was founded by a college dropout, so we never really thought that a college degree was a thing that you had to have to do well.”
Tim Cook
General Motors
“As companies have opened new skills-based pathways to employment and advancement, not only is the talent pool larger but, importantly, more diverse. As a result, companies are playing a vital role in broadening economic opportunity and upward mobility for all Americans.”
Mary Barra
“With our skills-first talent efforts, we are not lowering the bar, we are widening the gate.”
Ngozi Motilewa
Enterprise HR Lead, Skills-First Partnership and Pathway Initiatives
JPMorgan Chase
“The reality is the future of work is about skills, not just degrees.”
Jamie Dimon
Chairman and CEO

Skills-First can help you:

Find the Right Talent

Skills-First can help you better find the skilled talent your company needs to excel — adding up to 20x more eligible workers to your talent pool.

Hire the Best Talent

Skills-First can help you better hire the people your company needs to compete, while increasing your ability to effectively place talent by 107%.

Grow Talent from Within

Skills-First can help you better grow and retain the standout talent already working in your company, who know your culture; skills-first employers are 98% more likely to retain high performers.

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Test Your Skills-First Knowledge

True or False?
Skills-First practices primarily benefit workers without degrees.
That's right!
The correct answer is False:

By implementing skills-first practices, employers are 63% more likely to achieve results across key business and workforce outcomes.

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True or False?
Skills-First hiring can help reduce employee turnover.
That's right!
The correct answer is False:

By aligning candidates’ skills with job requirements, skills-first hiring can lead to better job satisfaction, improved performance and lower turnover -- boosting retention by up to 20%.

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True or False?
Skills-First talent management diminishes the value of 4 year college degrees.
That's right!
The correct answer is False:

Rather than diminishing degrees, a skills-first approach values practical skills alongside formal education, recognizing the importance of lifelong learning and the varied paths individuals can take to acquire job-relevant skills.

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True or False?
College degrees are a poor proxy for judging applicants' future performance.
That's right!
The correct answer is False:

Hiring for skills is 5x more predictive of future performance than hiring for education and 2.5x more predictive than hiring for work experience.

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True or False?
With skills-first hiring, it takes longer to fill roles with qualified talent.
That's right!
The correct answer is False:

When recruiting based on skills, companies report filling vacancies much faster, accelerating time to hire by as much as 25%.

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Skills Speak Louder Than Degrees

Industry-leading employers have spoken out about why and how they are prioritizing skills-first talent practices. Here are some of their testimonials.

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